1.Gather your financial information To get an idea of how much you can borrow, and therefore what you can afford to buy, you need to give the lender a comprehensive... read more →
Wondering how to pay off your home loan sooner? We look at some things you could do. Australian home loan interest rates remain at historic lows, and the opportunities for... read more →
In Australia, there are a number of ways to structure your home loan repayments. Finding the best option may save you time and money on your mortgage. Here is... read more →
WHY BROKERS HOLD THE KEYS TO GETTING YOUR FOOT IN THE PROPERTY DOOR Getting a foot in the door of your dream home might be getting harder, but talking to... read more →
SEVEN THINGS TO LOOK FOR WHEN CHOOSING YOUR BROKER A good mortgage broker can be the key to your property portfolio success. Here's how to find one. When it comes... read more →
Haven't done your Christmas shopping, realise it's December and starting to freak out about how much money you're going to have to spend? Follow these tips to make the experience... read more →
Congratulations to Brad Smart and Travis Hole Brad from the Zobel Adelaide office and Travis from Zobel Mount Gambier have been recognised once again by PLAN Australia for an... read more →
HOW TO SPRING CLEAN YOUR BUDGET TO BUY A HOME Buying your dream home is one of the biggest and most exciting purchases you are ever likely to make. Saving... read more →
THE TOP 5 TIPS TO SAVING MONEY ON YOUR LOANS #1 Tip - Reduce your Monthly Payments Do you have multiple loans such as personal loans, credit card and home loans?... read more →
Watching paint dry can be more exciting than you think - if you re on trend. Here s a range of colour forecasts for 2015 from those in the know.... read more →