Are you looking for the right car loan for you? Navigating your way through the many options on offer can be challenging…but don’t panic!
At Zobel, we can help you find the right car loan choice for you – taking into account any specific circumstances and working within a variety of budgets.
So, What Are the Options?
There are six main types of Car Loans, which you’ll want to consider when working out which is best for you.
1. Car Finance
With this option, you’ll get a direct loan, which you will pay back over a pre agreed period of time. You’ll obviously have to pay back the full amount that has been financed, and in addition you’ll pay a finance charge.
With Car Finance, you will use your loan to pay for a vehicle once you’ve entered into a contract with the car dealership.
2. Chattel Mortgage
It’s important to understand that the ‘chattel’ is quite simply the vehicle. It’s that simple. So a Chattel Mortgage is a produce where you can take ownership of the vehicle at the time of purchase.
You’ll make regular repayments with a Chattel Mortgage until the agreed term of the loan is finished. Once you’ve paid off any residual value, you can either choose to gain clear title of the car, or opt to trade in the vehicle or refinance it.
3. Novated Lease
As a Car Loan option, a Novated Lease can suit employees of businesses or companies who require a specific type of car. The added bonus with a Novated Lease is that you can include the running costs of the vehicle into the initial agreement so you won’t be left having to finance unexpected costs.
4. Low Doc Car Loans
There may be specific circumstances that mean you don’t have up to date financial documentation that is usually required for Car Loans. Whether you’re self employed or perhaps run a small business, you won’t be required to show the usual two years worth of tax returns with a Low Doc Car Loan and will be able to skirt around the red tape.
5. Refinance Car Loans
Refinancing a car means that you replace your current car loan with a new one that has different terms. This can be, but is not always, with a new lender. As a Car Loan option, this often saves vehicle users thousands of dollars in unnecessary repayments so always seek advice as to how it may work for you.
6. Bad Credit Car Loans
Whatever the reason – whether you forgot to pay off a recent credit card, or have missed repayments through bankruptcy or other financial problems, we’ll try and find a solution for you.
Bad credit car loans can help those who’ve been denied loans through other providers and can help to get you back on the road despite having a poor credit history.